I’m Sorry But You’re Not The Main Character In Your Life

It’s so easy for us to live our lives from an egotistical point of view, creating this illusion that it’s our world and everyone else just lives in it. Romanticizing our lives in an attempt to place ourselves in our very own, never-ending Netflix special. However we may want to put a hold on breaking the fourth wall for a bit.

Although this “main character energy” trend brought forth a great deal of creativity and laughter, fabricating this sort of narrative can teeter the line of establishing prideful practices. The Bible is adamant in relaying that we are not the main character, like not at all…. like not even close.

God was, is and always will be the main character, and we have to live our lives in accordance with this fact. Establishing ourselves as the main character has the potential to take away the works of God in our lives and it may cause us to boast in our own works. Thir.st has an amazing take on this discussion, be sure to check them out!


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