Where My Singles At?

Let’s face it…. single life can be super challenging. Whether you’re single in this season to get closer to God, or perhaps you’re picking up the pieces from a previous relationship, or you’ve been on several dates and have yet to find a person to settle down with—life alone is tough. Whatever the reason to your current season of singleness may be, rest assured that God surely has someone for you who will love you as Christ loves the church, and will submit to your Godly leadership, but what do we do in the mean time?

I certainly am not a relationship expert, however as someone who has spent the majority of their life as single, I can assure you that I was doing it all wrong. For those who find themselves without a significant other, my advice would be to create a tangible and authentic relationship with God. This may sound cliché, but you should try taking Jesus out on a date; He’ll always be on time, He doesn’t eat much and He will listen to every word you have to say.

Both my single and dating life lacked a true reverence for God due to my lack of understanding of who God is. My lack of understanding was the result of a very surface level relationship with Jesus Christ, that consisted of characteristics that I had either heard of, or was taught … but neither of those methods helped me develop a connection with God.

A good place to start is to engage in conversation with God through prayer, God wants to hear from you!


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