Why It’s Important To Pray For Your Favorite Secular Artists

Although we may not be able to indulge in their art to the level of satisfaction that we once did, we should not totally abandon their need to be in relationship with Jesus. You’ll even find that many of the secular artists we enjoy, either have some sort of connection to God or are yearning to have a relationship with God in some facet.

This is why your prayers over their life matters.

Intercessory prayer is a pivotal practice that allows for us as believers to posture our hearts towards the needs of others in an attempt to communicate with God on behalf of another person. Who better to lift up in prayer than a person who actively participates in the ways of the world? Your prayers for their life can bring them closer to their deliverance, and ultimately their lives being saved!

Check out this article of legendary recording artist M.I.A. having an encounter with Jesus that brought her to give her life to Christ.


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