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Seeking Justice Is The Duty of The Christian

It is evident that there certainly is a radical need for justice to be sought, not only in America but throughout the entire world. Wickedness seems to be running rampant, however as Christians regardless of what we see, our faith and hope is to be placed in Jesus Christ as our protector and deliverer.

However we should not neglect our responsibility in the pursuit of justice upon wrongdoings. Isaiah chapter 1, verse 17 reminds us that we are to, “learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression,” and the latter part of the verse even speaks to the act of defending marginalized groups. Therefore whatever side of the fence your biases may lie, we have a command to learn, seek, and correct.

This quest towards attaining justice looks different for each one of us and can vary depending on the cause. For some it may be through protest, for some it may come through social media, however to remain silent is to do a disservice to the oppressed as well as to God.

Checkout this piece on how ‘the Bible is a Call to Social Justice.’