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Manifesting Is God’s Job, Not Ours

Everyone wants to be God, nobody wants to submit to Him. It seems as though scrolling through social media nowadays reveals all the attempts people make to discredit God’s role in our lives.

Social Media has glamorized this culture of affirming ourselves through trends such as “self love” or “manifesting” both of which are indeed biblical principles, however the issue is trying to do so without God. Self love is important, but rather than purchasing expensive vacations or engaging in vain, self-gratifying activities, the Bible calls us to love others in the same manner that Christ loves us. Manifesting too is a concept that is seen in the Bible, however we as God’s creation do not have the power to mystically create our own dream life, yet rather we should seek God for what He wants for us to do.

Now, does this mean we should stop doing the things we enjoy, and we should stop visualizing the lives we want for ourselves? No, absolutely not, we just have to be sure that we are constantly incorporating God in every aspect of our lives. We must also consistently recognize that God is the reason for EVERYTHING. has a great perspective on this topic, let us know what you think! Check it out here!