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Jesus And Sexuality

A topic of conversation that is continually growing in popularity and difficulty is the discussion concerning sexuality. We as believers of Christ and advocates of love should be leading these conversations, however that certainly has not been the case as of late. Due to the rapid pace of transition, alongside a lack of empathy, the church has steadily lagged behind in our pursuit of this community.

When it comes to any issue, the more we know, the better the outcome. The very same philosophy should be applied to this area of life, when it comes to addressing issues of sexuality, knowledge is most certainly power. In fact neglecting to learn more about this experience could be interpreted as foolish as Proverbs 1:7 reminds us that “fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Luckily there are assets like Christian Sexuality that offer an array of resources and discussions that can aid parents, mentors, pastors, and individuals of all ages in better understanding sex in this day age. Their mission stands to faithfully present our Creator’s design for our bodies and to help Christian youth and young adults follow Jesus with their sexuality. Check out their Youtube page here!