Here’s How ‘Stranger Things’ Can Give You Perspective on Philippians 4:8

I’ll be cautious of those who have not seen the show, however you should certainly watch it.

And the Philippians 4:8 reads, “Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” The Apostle Paul is advising us to be intentional with our thoughts and to dwell on things that bring life rather than spend time in thought over issues that bring death.

Within the sci-fi/action Netflix show, the main protagonists are frequently troubled by an ambiguous being described as the ‘Mind Flayer.’ An evil presence that preys on the minds of individuals and brings to life their deepest and darkest fears… which for Christians kind’ve sounds like our common enemy. The show however does a great job of depicting one of the main characters, Eleven, as she is able to navigate her way back to sanity by recalling specific memories that provided her with peace.

Although this practice is way easier said than done, it should not be neglected, as even the Apostle Paul saw the importance in controlling the battlefield of the mind. An article written by Justine Ocampo relays other ways that we can guard our minds against Mind Flayers.


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