Confused about Sex? So is the Church…

That’s right, I said the “S” word. The only thing is, the church certainly needs to discuss that word more often. Similar to everything else in this world, sex is God’s creation, and it is beautiful. However there are distinct circumstances by which we are to abide by in order to partake in this glorious act, those being within the confines of holy matrimony. Yet sadly that is the extent by which sex is spoken about within the church.

Terms such as abstinence or celibacy are encouraged, however there is certainly a lack of communication concerning these two experiences and theres an even greater lapse in disclosure once you become married. Performing the act prior to marriage is demonized, therefore once a couple is married, they now have to unlearn and deconstruct those negative feelings towards sex in order to have a healthy and intimate relationship.

Relevant Magazine pens a wonderful piece detailing ‘Four Things the Church Gets Wrong About Sex.’


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