Written by Mama Troutman

My sister or my brother…… Have you ever answered a phone CALL and no one was on the other line or the person had the wrong number, or there was pure silence?  What did you think? I shouldn’t have answered that CALL.  Sometimes rightfully so, especially if it is a bill collector right? Well, what if God is calling and you don’t answer and he comes to collect on your life because of your refusal to answer the CALL…..His call.  Sometimes our call is an assignment, a fulfillment in the ministry, a business, etc. God is yet speaking in this season and the Word of the Lord says: “This is the season of RELEASE and Manifestation for those of us who have been diligently seeking ABBA.  God says it is time to Release some things and allow some things to be Released to you. God has been waiting for you to ANSWER THE CALL…No, he doesn’t have the wrong number. So what will your response be, Hello God, I’m ready, God give me a few more minutes, God I’ll be right back.  Hmmm, I ain’t answering that call.  At some point, you MUST step out on faith.  What are you waiting on?  How long are you going to allow the line between you and God to stay busy.  Busy doing this, Busy doing that! Go Back and revisit The Call of Abraham in Genesis 12:1-8.  Let’s not stop there, let’s also take a look at Moses’ call in the book of Exodus 4:10-11.  These are just two examples that ANSWERED the CALL. God has blessed you to have the courage, Listen to God and do not fear for II Timothy 1:7 God did not give us the spirit of fear but of Power, Love and a sound mind. Have you allowed people, things, your mindset, fear etc., hold you back from your destiny? Wait no longer, Can’t you hear it, the phone just rang again… Walk into your destiny…… ANSWER Your CALL

Listen to her inspiring message here!


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